Dr. Kwame Nkrumah once said that Africa is capable of managing its own affairs, during his Independence Speech in Ghana. Over the years Africa has been often characterized by corruption, poor health care, water and lack of basic amenities. This article seeks highlight on the ways lives are changing in Africa using Tech. So, it is of this background that has given rise to an African Youth determined to make a difference in the lives of many.
Manebra.tech , These African Youth are using a global platform thus Tech to help solve these problems Africa face.
Improving AFRICA Using TECH.
Health Care
“What we need are more smart rich people who are passionate about health care in Africa.” -Felix Olali. First of all, In some African countries, good health care can only be acquired by the rich. Tech companies involved in changing lives in Africa. Some are Penda Health and royalty-free from NIH. Also, Access Mobile, founded in Uganda by social entrepreneur Kaak Yelpaala. This is a company that builds software solutions for healthcare providers to better improve the health of their patients through mobile phones. Finally, BISA app also helps individuals to directly interact with medical practitioners without being physically present at the hospital.
Another thematic area Tech is Changing Lives. One e-learning school is Meltwater Entrepreneurial School of Technology (MEST) which was Founded in 2008, in Accra, Ghana. The school is providing training, investment and mentoring for the next generation of tech entrepreneurs who will create market tools needed for the integration of Africa in the global economy. Others are Eneza Eduction, Tutor.ng, Sterio.me etc are all contributing to making Africa Great.
Finally, an Ethiopian water network management startup, Triple Bottom Line Enterprises. This startup is improving access to water for households and farms in Africa. Through combining analytics with a radically affordable design methodology, they are changing lives in Africa.

Africa Using Tech
While these interventions and much more exist, probably more can be done to change lives for the better.
by Eben Blanks